I second this proposal.


On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 08:40:14AM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
> [This is a repost -- Sven Luther has asked that that my call for seconds
> is not in reply to any other post.]
> This is a call for seconds on the proposal I submitted on the 19th:
>   http://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2004/debian-vote-200401/msg01453.html
> Many people have contributed to the wording of this proposal.  I believe
> this proposal is an improvement over the current Social Contract, and
> I also believe it's better than the currently available alternatives.
> I don't participate much in other forums (such as IRC) -- if you think
> this proposal is worth seconding, and it hasn't gotten enough sponsors
> yet, please bring it to the attention of other people who you think might
> want to sponsor it.  The proposal needs five sponsors to be introduced.
> A couple extra won't hurt, and might be a good precaution against errors.
> The rationale for this proposal is:  clean up the social contract, make
> it less ambiguous, and bring its words in line with the way we have
> been interpreting it.  This includes continuing our existing support
> for non-free software.
> The social contract was originally written to address scepticism that
> Debian would eventually turn into a commercial operation, and questions
> about what exactly we were doing.  I think it's done a pretty good job,
> but there have been a few lingering questions based on ambiguous turns of
> phrase in the text.  Although it's impossible to eliminate all ambiguity
> from a document of this nature, it is possible to address specific
> concerns by looking at how we as a group have been interpreting the
> contract, which is what I've tried to do here.
> This proposal is formally an amendment of Andrew Suffield's proposal
>   http://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2003/debian-vote-200312/msg00044.html
> striking all text but "I propose the following resolution" and replacing
> that text as follows:
> - -- 
> I propose the following resolution:
> We will replace our social contract with two documents, as specified
> by the recent constitutional amendment.  The first replacement document
> will be the social contract below, and the second replacement document
> will be the Debian Free Software Guidelines extracted from the remainder
> of the original social contract.
> Here's the replacement for the social contract:
> Debian's Social Contract
> The Debian Project is an association of individuals who have made common
> cause to create a free operating system.  This is the "social contract"
> we offer to the free software community.
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Social Contract" with the Free Software Community
>   1. Debian will remain 100% free software
>      Debian exists to distribute a general purpose system composed of
>      entirely free software. As there are many definitions of free
>      software, we use the "Debian Free Software Guidelines" to determine
>      if software is free. We will also support our users who develop
>      and run other software on Debian -- free or non-free -- but we will
>      never make the system depend on non-free software.
>   2. We will give back to the free software community
>      When we write new components of the Debian system, we will license
>      them in a manner consistent with the Debian Free Software Guidelines.
>      We will make the best system we can, so that free works will be
>      widely distributed and used. We will communicate things such
>      as bug fixes, improvements and user requests to the "upstream"
>      authors of works included in our system.
>   3. We will not hide problems
>      We will keep our entire bug report database open for public view
>      at all times. Reports that people file online will promptly become
>      visible to others.
>   4. Our priorities are our users and free software
>      We will be guided by the needs of our users and the free software
>      community. We will place their interests first in our priorities. We
>      will support the needs of our users for operation in many different
>      kinds of computing environments. We will not object to non-free
>      works that are intended to be used on Debian systems, or attempt to
>      charge a fee to people who create or use such works. We will allow
>      others to create distributions containing both the Debian system and
>      other works, without any fee from us. In furtherance of these goals,
>      we will provide an integrated system of high-quality materials with
>      no legal restrictions that would prevent such uses of the system.
>   5. Software that doesn't meet our free-software standards
>      We acknowledge that some, but not all, of our users require
>      the use of software which does not conform to the Debian Free
>      Software Guidelines.  In order to accommodate these users, we have
>      created "contrib" and "non-free" areas in our internet archive.
>      The software in "non-free" satisfies some, but not all, of our
>      guidelines and we do not guarantee all software in the non-free
>      area may be distributed in other ways.  For those who need to run
>      software we do not distribute, free or non-free, we support worthy
>      application binary interface standards and namespace management
>      standards.  Additionally, we will work to find, package and support
>      free alternatives to non-free software so people who use only free
>      software can work with users of non-free software.
> - -- 
> Raul
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> =hh89


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