On Sun, Jan 04, 2004 at 11:13:11AM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 04, 2004 at 03:51:07PM +0000, Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> > Mutt uses debbugs, and isn't a project of the magnitude of GNOME.
> Which still doesn't make it comparable to non-free.
> On the one hand, it's much more cohesive: instead of dozens of unrelated
> packages you have mut.
> On the other hand, it's a development project, not a distribution of
> stuff available from elsewhere.

You appear to be grasping.  What critera must another project possess
for you to regard it as "comparable to non-free"?

What are non-free's essential characteristics, to your mind?

You need to identify traits other than "something maintained by Debian",
else you're begging the question.

G. Branden Robinson                |
Debian GNU/Linux                   |      Please do not look directly into
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |      laser with remaining eye.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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