On Tue, Dec 30, 2003 at 11:27:10AM -0500, Raul Miller wrote:
> Could you tell me about the plan for dealing with contrib and non-free?

The plan is for somebody else (ie, not Debian) to deal with them, if
they actually care. I have no interest in them, so it's not my plan.

> For example, if I see a real and inclusive effort to set up a separate
> "project" to maintain and support contrib and non-free -- one we could
> perhaps link to from distrib/netinst (one I could join, if I so desired)
> clause 5 from the social contract (thus allowing this hypothetical
> "other project" to take over contrib and non-free).

It sounds like you are saying "I will support the removal of non-free
if the people who do not want to support non-free do the work to
continue supporting it". That seems to be missing the point, to me.

The point is that perhaps the majority of project members no longer
wish to include or support non-free. Apparently you are not a part of
this group, from your comments so far. We've been trying to figure out
whether or not this is the case (by voting on it) for about three
years now.

This is not about restructuring, or increasing the division between
Debian and non-free; this is "Do we, as a project, want to support
non-free? [y/n]". You answer appears to be "Yes [but I wouldn't mind
if we called it something else]".

I see no point in responding to your concerns that relate directly to
how you would answer this question (since I'm not particularly
interested in convincing people either way; other people might want to
advance some arguments about why we should or shouldn't support
non-free) - you can vote when the ballot goes out. It's not a "brush
off", per se, it's that I'm not concerned how you vote - just that
people can understand what the proposal does and does not do.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
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