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Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I, too, would like to re-propose the General Resolution I proposed three
> years ago.  (This is substantively the same, with only minor wording
> changes.)
> ======================================================================
>  4. The Developers by way of General Resolution or election
>    4.1. Powers
>     Together, the Developers may:
>      1. Appoint or recall the Project Leader.
>      2. Amend this constitution, provided they agree with a 3:1 majority.
>      3. Override any decision by the Project Leader or a Delegate.
>      4. Override any decision by the Technical Committee, provided they
>         agree with a 2:1 majority.
> -    5. Issue nontechnical policy documents and statements.
> -       These include documents describing the goals of the project, its
> -       relationship with other free software entities, and nontechnical
> -       policies such as the free software licence terms that Debian
> -       software must meet.
> -       They may also include position statements about issues of the day.
> +    5. Issue, withdraw, and supsersede nontechnical policy documents
> +       and statements.  These include documents describing the goals of
> +       the project, its relationship with other free software entities,
> +       and nontechnical policies such as the free software licence
> +       terms that Debian software must meet.
> +       They may also include position statements about issues of the day.
> ======================================================================
>  Rationale: The clause being modified has been seen to be quite
>  ambiguous.  Since the original wording appeared to be amenable to two
>  wildly different interpretations, this change adds clarifying the
>  language in the constitution about _changing_ non technical
>  documents.
> ======================================================================
> I am seeking seconds for this amendment.  In the interests of full
> disclosure I should point out that I do not expect the proposer of the
> resolution I am amending to accept this amendment.  This amended version
> of the resolution does not create a class of nontechnical policy
> document or statement called a "foundational document".
> (If any readers have questions about the amendment process, I urge them
> to re-read section A.1. of the Debian Constitution[1].)
> [1] http://www.debian.org/devel/constitution



- -- 
  |_)  _  |_    Robert D. Hilliard        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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