On 14 Nov 2000, John Goerzen wrote:

> John Galt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Uh, non-free is not going on Progeny CDs.  non-free is not now, and
> > > never was, on Debian CDs.  I have no desire to see non-free on either
> > > CDs.  I want neither to distribute non-free.  All the software being
> > > written at Progeny is GPL'd.
> > 
> > ftp://ftp.progeny.com/pub/progeny/dists/progeny/non-free
> > 
> > You wished to completely remove non-free from Debian's servers, it's on
> > Progeny's.  Lacking a clear position statement by Progeny, it can be
> > assumed that everything on the Progeny FTP site is officially included
> > within Progeny.  You wish neither to distribute non-free, put your ftpd
> > where your mouth is.
> It is comments like this from people like you that scare companies
> away from working with Debian.  Progeny is committed to doing its

If they're involved in trying to undermine Debian in the process, they can
go to Hell.  Stormix and Corel made Debian-based distributions, did either
of them get any flaming from me?  I was here.  They both contain non-free,
did you hear anythiing from me?  They had employees actively participate
in the Debian process, did you hear anything from me?  They proposed
^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^ strike that, they didn't propose divisive
GRs.  Hmmmmmm: you think?

> Debian development in public.  Our development tree is public.  We
> have public development lists, etc.  That is what you are looking at.
> While the innane comments of an misinformed conspiratorial troll are
> not going to dissuade Progeny from giving back to Debian and working

If the GR is part of your "giving back", we've had too much back already,
thank you very little.  The proposal of the GR is almost certain to cause
Debian to fork now, regardless of whether it passes or not.  Somebody's
going to end up on the wrong side of the vote, and they're almost certain
to want to take their toys and go home.  Progeny is _conveniently_ set up
right now to reap the benefits of the fork.  "When there is an apparent
contradiction, check your premises..."

> with Debian in a positive way, imagine what other companies might be
> thinking as they look at the way you are treating Progeny.

If they wish to amend the SC, fuck them.
> "He's ripping into them because archive maintenance on something that
> isn't released hasn't been done yet!"

Speaking of logic.....I'm ripping into Progeny because their actions and
their words don't meet.

> Gee, perhaps its because we were busy coding?

Then why did you go the trouble of wget-ing it in the first place?  "I was
busy" falls flat when it took extra effort to get it in the first place...

> Also, if you couldn't find a position statement from Progeny, then you
> haven't been reading debian-devel, looking at our website, reading
> slashdot, or even listening to me.  You have been told.  It is not my
> fault if you choose to ignore.

No, I read the progenylinux website.  the SC is the eigthth link down on
the left side of the main page for Debian.  Where is the equivalent for
Progeny?  I saw something with a lot of ESR stuff, but nothing about what
Progeny intends to do with non OSF programs.  I DID notice the lack of any
mention of Gnu/Linux--rewriting binutils and gcc?


When you are having a bad day, and it seems like everybody is trying to
tick you off, remember that it takes 42 muscles to produce a frown, but
only 4 muscles to  work the trigger of a good sniper rifle.

Who is John galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

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