I just did a net install of Sid using the latest available Sarge installer ISO.
I was working with a new HD, doing a partition table from scratch. The new partitioning tool worked, but I found it rather tedious to use. I got impatient, switched to tty2 and just cfdisked the thing. Then I tried to tell the installer about the partitions I had just formatted.
I got everything up and working after that. Used the installer to format them, installed the base system, and away I went. But I wound up with no swap, and I can't remember the Debian way to set it up.
It's a low mem box with only 128 MB, so it realllly needs swap. I ran mkswap on the designated partition, and then rebooted at some point thereafter, hoping to make the magic happen. No swap.
I notice on this box (also a recent install of Sid, but I did this one using an ISO from February) that I have no reference to swap in /etc/fstab, yet I do definitely have swap. Curiously, I don't even have a swap partition anywhere on the drive I booted off of. The kernel or some Debian script seems to have found the swap partition on my other drive automagically.
I am not quite sure what you are saying. Do swapon after you do the mkswap.
Put the swap partition in your /etc/fstab so it will be available after boot.
Mine looks like this: /dev/hda7 none swap sw 0 0
HTH Charles
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