Absender/Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Betreff/Subject: Protected Mail System
Datum/Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 19:50:43 +0800
Empfänger/Recipients: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Nachrichten-ID/Message ID: T698b07521bac10df0fa3c


The message contained the virus Scenarios/Incoming - All Others/F-Secure Anti-Virus: 
Virus   is a security risk or a "backdoor" program found by F-Secure F-PROT details   
is a security risk or a "backdoor" program
Scenarios/Incoming - All Others/Detect forbidden attachments: A filename matching the 
file mask was detected: 'msg.exe'.

The message has been blocked from further delivery!
Please check your anti virus software.

This is an automatically generated email. For further inquiry please contact [EMAIL 


Die Nachricht enthielt den Virus Scenarios/Incoming - All Others/F-Secure Anti-Virus: 
Virus   is a security risk or a "backdoor" program found by F-Secure F-PROT details   
is a security risk or a "backdoor" program
Scenarios/Incoming - All Others/Detect forbidden attachments: A filename matching the 
file mask was detected: 'msg.exe'.

Die Nachricht wurde für die weitere Uebermittlung gesperrt!
Bitte pruefen Sie Ihren Virenscanner.

Dies ist eine automatisch generierte EMail! Bei Rueckfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an 

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