On Wed, May 12, 2004 at 09:43:55PM +0200, Lukas Foljanty wrote:
> Hi.
> I am a total newbie to Linux, so perhaps this is all stupid, but I have 
> a problem I cannot solve after installing the current build of Debian 
> on my PowerMac 8600.
> Here it goes:
> I (successfully) installed the basic installation of Debian (CD 
> distribution 1) for PowerMacs/PPC. I partitioned the hard drive, 
> installed some modules and then finished the installation. When it told 
> me that the installation was finished I restarted my Mac.
> However, now I don't have a display signal! When booting of a split 
> second, the display receives a signal, but then goes blank. I can hear 
> the computer working and seemingly, it responds to keyboard inputs 
> (from the sounds it makes), but since the screen is black, I don't know 
> what's it's doing.
> What's worse, I cannot boot in MacOS, either (neither booting from HD 
> nor CD). So I am completely stuck here.
> Help!
> Suggestions are truly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance!
Hi Lukas,
try reseting the pram.
Also it may be a pram battery issue.

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