Hello Chris!

On Sat, Apr 17, 2004 at 05:18:02PM -0400, Chris Metzler wrote:
> As near as I can tell you did fine.  When I saw the original post, my
> immediate reaction was "he doesn't think to check (or doesn't know
> about) the BTS, but wants to install packages out of experimental?
> Not just unstable, but *experimental*?"  But then I saw you'd said
> that already (and probably more smoothly than I would have), so I
> laid off.  Now I'm very very glad I did.  You were not impolite; you
> tried to point him in the direction of figuring it out for himself
> (always best), then went ahead and told him what to do explicitly,
> then showed him that it worked for you and asked for more info.
> Seems sensible to me.

Thanks after all for your confirmation. I'll still watch my words more
carefully in the future... :-/


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