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Sven Hoexter wrote:
| On Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 11:59:41AM -0400, Sarunas wrote:
| Hi,
|>What would be the proper way of upgrading a Debian system (2.4 kernel,
|>sendmail, apache, mysql) from Woody to Sarge?
|>Is editing /etc/apt/sources.list (replacing stable with sarge) and
|>apt-get updating + upgrading supposed to do the job?
| Yes it is. Hope you know what you're doing with all consequenzes.
Thanks. I _hope_ I know. We are using sarge elsewhere (workstations,
test/backup servers), but not on main servers. At some point, when sarge
approaches or turns into stable, we would like to have servers in sarge
too, one reason being changing to 2.6 too, the latter probably being not
an elegant move in woody. The question is whether it is satisfactory in
terms of system consistency to upgrade (woody->sarge), or maybe it's
better to reinstall with sarge from scratch.

| Anyway if you would only like to update several packages thing about
| backports(.org). Or make yourself familar with pinning.
pinning?---any hints?


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