On 16 Apr 2004 09:16:11 -0300
Mariano Wahlmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I need some help, on designing a mail server solution (structure), my
> request are:
> -Users 4000+ aprox. with a growth rate of 20/users by month.
> -Each user has 15Mb of inbox.
> -Accesible by POP3 / IMAP (Only for Webmail who resides in other
> server)-Mail list (some of 4000+ users)

Do you need filtering? (AV, Spam?)

> I have two proposal:
> 1- One big expensive server with 1 SCSI disk, two processors.

Bad solution, no failsafe storage. I'd say at least two disks as RAID1,
or even 3+ as RAID5. If you can get expensive HW, do it right and get
hot-swappable drives and a suitable controller.

> 2- Several cheaps servers, dividing mailboxes across servers.

I think one server could handle all storage needs easily. However, you
might want to have a second (or even several other) machine(s)  to do
stuff like virus scanning and spam filtering.

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