Gregory Seidman wrote:

On Wed, Apr 14, 2004 at 12:19:39PM +0200, Pim Bliek | wrote:
} My suggestions for new names:
} } Stable --> CURRENT_STABLE
} Testing --> ALMOST_STABLE
} Unstable --> NEW_NOT_PROVEN

Hm. Too long for my taste. People aren't going to bother typing
something that long in IRC. I'd say we want pithy but clear. How about:

stable ---> lowrisk
testing --> current
unstable -> earlyaccess

Greg's is more pithy, but Pim's is more clear.

stable ---> current
testing --> next_version
unstable -> in_development


stable ---> current
testing --> beta
unstable -> alpha


stable ---> no_pain
testing --> pinprick
unstable -> broken_finger_or_three


stable ---> lowrisk
testing --> somerisk
unstable -> morerisk


stable ---> lowrisk
testing --> somerisk
unstable -> morerisk_but_better_than_any_other_distro_so_use_this_for_desktop_workstations

None of which I particularly like, but I had fun doing it . . . .


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