Solved this, pretty much.  Basically, when I upgraded, two things happened 
that I didn't know about.  One, the kernel driver for my network card stopped 
getting loaded; something happened during dist-upgrade or upgrade that caused 
it to be removed from the list of modules to load.  I compiled the driver 
static in the kernel and the network was able to load after that.  Also, kdm 
apparently was un-installed by something during dist-upgrade or upgrade.  So, 
once I got the network back up, removing and re-installing various things got 
me back in working order.

        Sean O'Dell

On Thursday 01 April 2004 12:11 pm, Sean O'Dell wrote:
> On Thursday 01 April 2004 12:00 pm, Alan Chandler wrote:
> > On Thursday 01 April 2004 20:39, Sean O'Dell wrote:
> > > I'm new to Debian, and this morning I put a half-way finished
> > > installation into a broken state and I can't figure out how to get it
> > > back on track.
> > >
> > > Basically, I was trying to get a KDE machine working, and this morning
> > > I added non-free and contrib to my sources.list file so I could install
> > > the nvidia driver.  I had the machine working primitively with
> > > networking+dhcpcd working, but KDE wasn't running yet because I needed
> > > to install the nvidia driver.  I had both testing and unstable sources
> > > in sources.list in order to get KDE 3.2 installed.  After adding
> > > non-free and contrib to my sources this morning, I ran apt-get update,
> > > dist-upgrade and upgrade, then apt-get install nvidia-glx.  I rebooted
> > > the system after that
> >
> > Its been a while since I worked with the nvidia drivers, but don't you
> > have to build them from source once you've downloaded the debian package?
> I honestly don't know...I never got far enough to see what the nvidia-glx
> package I installed would do.  After I installed it, I rebooted to see what
> state everything would be in and it ended up in a broken state.
> > > to see how it would all go, and at that point, things were pretty
> > > funky.
> > >
> > > eth0 isn't up, I can't get dhcpcd to start, and now I can't even get
> > > kdm to
> >
> > What happened when the should have started - was there any error on the
> > console?
> Basically, it booted up pretty quietly.  I got a console, but ifconfig
> reported only lo being initialized.  eth0 was never brought up.
> > > report anything in /var/log/kdm.log nor XFree86 to report anything in
> > > /var/log/XFree86.0.log...they apparently both die before they can even
> > > log anything.
> >
> > XFree86.0.log is the day old log.  Is there no new log.  Did X even try
> > to start?
> It doesn't look like it to me.  When I run /etc/init.d/kdm start, I get
> nothing printing to the console, no new XFree86.0.log and no kde.log files.
> It just dies quickly and quietly.
> > > What should I do to get things straightened back out?  What did I do to
> > > get things into this state?
> > >
> > > Just in case, I've included my /etc/apt/sources.list file.  Is there
> > > anything else I should provide for reference?
> >
> > Need much clearer description of exactly what happened during start up.
> > Are you left with a login prompt on the text console?
> It just boots up very quietly and quickly.  The only error I get is Alsa is
> unhappy with something (I think a module isn't installed that it wants),
> but everything else goes okay.  I get no errors reported about eth0 not
> coming up, and no errors in /var/log/messages.  XFree86.0.log and kdm.log
> don't even exist anymore...everything related to XFree86 and KDE dies
> before any log files can be generated.  dhcpcd is still just
> doesn't initialize eth0.
> I wish I knew what else to report.  After the dist-upgrade, upgrade and
> installing nvidia-glx, it just went into this funky state and I can't
> figure out how to roll it back to where the network would at least
> initialize.
>       Sean O'Dell

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