Mustafa Taha Al-Shawaf wrote:
> I'm having a problem getting java to run.  I tried to use sun's java.  That 
> would just crash firebird.  Then, I installed blackdown java.  Now firebird 
> doesn't crash, but java just shows up as a gray frame in the browser.  I'm 
> pulling my hair out trying to solve this, but I'm having no luck.  At least 
> now firebird doesn't crash.


do you have a link in your /usr/lib/mozilla-firebird/plugins/ pointing to 
/usr/local/java/jre/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/ ?

I installed it from Sun and never had any problem using first mozilla,
mozilla-firebird and, now, mozilla-firefox. 



Rodrigo Agerri 
Dept. of Computing
City University, London
Tel: 0044 (0) 20 7040 0292

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