On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 02:54:24PM +0100, Jeremy C B Nicoll wrote:
> I've a HP B132L which someone else put woody on for me, but I'm nearly
> totally ignorant of how things work in linux.  Can anyone tell me how
> to:
> a) find out precisely which version of woody it is (if there are
>    different versions or patch levels or whatever)?  I don't know
>    how to relate "woody" to posts I see naming particular kernel
>    levels etc.

I don't actually know how one finds out whether one has woody release
0, 1 or 2, but there's very little difference. As regards the kernel
version, see the 'uname' command.

> b) when it boots it automatically starts X and then KDM; I think I'd 
>    like none of the GUI stuff to start automatically but instead to
>    start them by command if/when I want to.  How do I do that?

# rm /etc/rc?.d/S??kdm

> c) If I manage to have KDM not start, will the command: gdm
>    start GDM up instead, assuming it is installed?


> d) how do I find out what software is installed?  Eg *is* GDM/Gnome 
>    in my system,

dpkg -l

> and if so, where are its libraries, if I want to 
>    explore its parameter files etc?

Parameter files and the like are generally detailed in the relevant
man page. Libraries are generally in /usr/lib. If I want more detailed
information as to where the files are I generally pull the deb apart
in /tmp and see what I get (ar -x foo.deb; tar xzf data.tar.gz).


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