On 25.Feb.2004, Thomas Dickey wrote:

(damn late response, I know..., don't know why I've overlooked this)

> [...], yes, it's cute - but I don't (for example) see a way to navigate
> above the home directory.  I assume there must be a way to fold up subtrees.

There is a concept of "nodes", the default node is the home directory
of the current user, you can establish more nodes by using the 'N'ode
command (similar to XTree/DOS' 'L'og (drive) command).
But avoid intersecting nodes, rather use META/F4-(new) 'N'ode then.

Btw, project development by original author Rob Juergens
indeed is discontinued since 2 years or so, unfortunately,
maybe there's a chance to find new developers ?

Mathias Winkler
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