Stephen Touset <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sat, 2004-03-27 at 03:31, Paul Johnson wrote:
>> Stephen Touset <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > I've seen bullshit legal boilerplate on emails from a lot of small
>> > companies (including those from the CEO of a company I work for), and I
>> > can't help but giggle at how silly the whole premise is.
>> Ever explain it to them why it's so silly?
> Yes, actually. Unfortunately, the only response I've ever gotten is
> something akin to, "Every other executive (of small companies that never
> seem to go anywhere) does it. It's an industry standard."

What happens when you tell them the truth about the matter in
response?  Nike and Tektronix *don't* do it, for example.

> The argument that it's literally 100% bullshit and not binding in any
> way (just because you say it's illegal to read the email doesn't
> actually mean it is) seems to be completely lost on them. I haven't yet
> tried the approach of telling them what kind of impression it gives
> others, though.

That virtual used-car salesman combover.  They seem to think that if
they can't impress us with products/services, they should baffle us
with wannabe-legalese bullshit.

 .''`.     Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    
`. `'`     proud Debian admin and user
  `-       Debian.  Because it *must* work.

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