Apparently r-base package updated my R 1.8.1 to R 1.9.0-alpha in a
recent apt-get upgrade (although it says it is a version
1.8.1.cvs.20040321-1). After the upgrade I cannot load the library
'nlme' from r-recommended anymore  but will get the following error
message instead:

> library(nlme)
Error in loadNamespace(i[[1]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), keep.source) :
        package 'mva' does not have a name space
Error in library(nlme) : package/namespace load failed

The 'base' library of R is splitted to four libraries (base, stat,
etc.) in the new 1.9.0-alpha that has resulted in that some R packages
that earlier existed in 'base' are now moved to 'stats', for example.
This has also affected the namespaces of these R packages.

Is there a confusion of different versions of R packages between
r-base and r-recommended? And can I do something about it?

Regards, Kari

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