On Sun, Mar 14, 2004 at 06:21:33PM +0000, steve downes wrote:

> I am using debian testing with:-
> Exim 3.36
> Cyrus 1.5
> Mutt 1.5.5
> Very happy with it but want to add an auto mail sort to pre sort
> mailing lists out from work mail into other boxes to read at my
> leisure. Also a bit of spam sorting would not go amiss.
> The choices I have been looking at are
> Cyrus 2.1 (poor documentation, looks complex to set up & no idea how
>       well it works)
> Procmail (looks good but cannot see how to integrate it into cyrus)

Jumping in perhaps a bit late...
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned the option of using Exim's built-in 
filtering capabilities.  There's some option to enable in the exim conf 
that allows per-user .forward files with (relatively) procmail-like 
filtering capabilities, which is what I use here and am quite happy 

As for spam filtering, it's an awfully big question. Lots of people have 
lots of differing opinions on the best way to go about it.

One way that I've found worked well for me was "method 1" from dman's 
very helpful howto here:

It's worth noting that with trivial modification, this setup can be 
persuaded to use per-user Bayes settings. (I don't remember the exact 
syntax, but there's a command-line option for spamc that basically 
amounts to "as user <foo>".

  Forward he cried from the rear; and the front rank died
  And the General sat, and the lines on the map moved from side to side.
  - Pink Floyd
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