
Preston Boyington (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:

> This weekend I installed a base Debian system using the new installer.
>  My only "problem" is after using pppconfig to setup my external modem
> it will activate the modem (dial and apparently connect) but I can't
> get apt-setup to connect to any sources to download programs.  I "su"
> in to "pon" my provider

You can dial with pon as a user, if you are in the dip group.

> but can't "poff" without changing into the 
> /usr/sbin/ directory and intitating the command there.

Strange. On my system is poff in /usr/bin. What does "whereis poff" say?
Do you get an error message if you use poff from somewhere else?

> I am wondering if it may have something to do with DHCP that was setup
> during the install.  How do I change it to a static IP address and try
> it that way?  Have others experienced something similar?

Maybe you set a gateway for your network connection, and now this is the
default route, meaning your system tries to make all connections over
the local network instead of the modem. What is the output of 

Also check the DNS for your modem is configured properly (probably you
need dynmaic DNS).

best regards
        Andreas Janssen

Andreas Janssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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