On Fri, Mar 19, 2004 at 06:19:45AM -0600, Ronin wrote:
> Before upgrading my kernel, my dhcp worked..as it should during the 
> installation...
> However, after upgrading the kernel (currently using 2.4.24).. my pcmcia 
> nic was recognized during boot (NE2000 compatible) but it did not pick 
> up an IP address.  The network adapter works because I can manually do 
> an ifconfig eth0 and it will assign that IP.  I also have 
> to manually assign the gateway.  I tried upgrading the dhcp-client by 
> doing an apt-get  but it said I had the latest version.   Any ideas?

Sounds like you didn't include the CONFIG_PACKET and CONFIG_FILTER 
options when you were configuring the new kernel. They're under the 
Networking Options heading in the config process, and I think they show 
up as "packet socket" and "socket filtering". You want them both set to 

                  I care less and less what people think.
                  - Ani DiFranco
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