I got the same impression the author if the Mondo Rescue is not a Debian
user and not very receptive to this distro. 

I was trying to test mindi and here is what I got:
============= quote ==================
# mindi
Warning! You are a Debian user. If mindi doesn't generate a good
mountlist, it's because of a bug in YOUR awk binary. Don't tell me about
it. Tell awk.deb's maintainer about it.
lilo.real found; will be used instead of lilo (*grumble* *mutter*)
Mindi Linux mini-distro generator v0.86 by Hugo Rabson
Do you want to use your own kernel to build the boot disk (y/n) ?y
Your kernel is /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.22-xfs (v2.4.22-xfs)
Would you like to use LILO (instead of syslinux) for your boot media
(y/n) ?y
Analyzing dependency requirements                               100%   
Making complete dependency list                                 16%    
\Where is liblvm? You need it.
\Where is liblvm? You need it.
\Where is liblvm? You need it.
/Where is liblvm? You need it.
Analyzing your keyboard's configuration.
Searching for rc.config ...Unknown config detected. Default keyboard map
will be used.
Assembling dependency
Your mountlist will look like this:-6 directories.
        DEVICE          MOUNTPOINT      FORMAT          SIZE (MB)
        /dev/hda1       /               ext3              17163
        /dev/hda2       swap            swap                956

Unable to open proc
        /dev/hda3       /home           ext3              39119

Unable to open /dev/sda1
        /dev/sda1       /mnt/camera     vfat                  0
Tarring and zipping the groups.....................                    
Creating data disk #1...#2...#3...#4...#5...#6...                      
Making 1722KB boot disk...........................OK, you don't have a
/boot/boot.b file, which is odd because most _good_ Linux distributions
come with one, even if it's only a softlink Nor can I find it from your
/etc/lilo.conf file. This is very odd.
I'm going to use '/boot/knoppix-old-mbr.1077026508'
...sed: -e expression #1, char 51: Unterminated `s' command
Kernel size = 904 K
Ramdisk free = 95 K
Sorry, your kernel is too big.
Either recompile it to reduce its size, or use Mindi's failsafe kernel.
For instructions on using Mindi's failsafe kernel, read the manual.

Cannot run lilo on /tmp/tmp.Y0Es26/mindilinux/1440/mountpoint.1440
Please upgrade/downgrade your version of LILO. It has a bug.

1722KB boot disk was NOT created
PrepareBootDiskImage() is returning nonzero

Warning! Failed to create 1.72MB boot image. Please reduce your kernel's
size if you want to make a 1.72MB floppy floppy disk. This error is
non-fatal if you are backing up to CD or NFS.
Making 2880KB boot disk...........................OK, you don't have a
/boot/boot.b file, which is odd because most _good_ Linux distributions
come with one, even if it's only a softlink
Nor can I find it from your /etc/lilo.conf file. This is very odd.
I'm going to use '/boot/knoppix-old-mbr.1077026508'
...sed: -e expression #1, char 51: Unterminated `s' command
2880KB boot disk was created OK                                        
In the directory '/root/images/mindi' you will find the images:-
mindi-boot.2880.img    mindi-data-1.img    mindi-data-2.img   
mindi-data-3.img    mindi-data-4.img    mindi-data-5.img   

That message: "\Where is liblvm? You need it." is apparently gone in
ver. 0.87 of mindi.
========== end quote ===================

How do you compile mindi-0.87 on Debian?  


> I do not know what that means. But this what I do:
> I am using mondo with Debian but I don't use the Debian package because 
> I run woody and I had problems with it. (Unbootable CD's)
> So I installed mondo-1.67 and mindi-0.87 from their stable tarball.
> I changed the mondo-restore.c code (#3265+6) to say "nano" and 
> recompiled. Then I added nano in /usr/local/share/mindo/deplist.txt as a 
> user requirement. I also changed the isolinux.cfg and syslinux.cfg files 
> and added "vga=9" in the append lines.
> Now when he boots the CD that he generates he uses nano to edit 
> /etc/lilo.conf and /etc/fstab, instead of acting as if he invokes an 
> editor, but not doing so, because he cannot find vi.
> In addition the screen now is readable instead of that horrific 80x25 
> mode where I cannot see a thing.
> I run mondoarchive with:
> mondoarchive -O -w 5 -d 0,0,0 -9  -s 650m -k FAILSAFE -l LILO -f 
> /dev/hda -g
> meaning I use a CD-RW speed 5 on device 0,0,0 with compression 9 on a 
> 650MB CD and with his kernel, not mine, using lilo on device hda.
> You have to download his kernel for that:
> http://www.mondorescue.org/download/MondoCD/TGZS/mindi-kernel-1.0.tgz
> The packages I installed to support this are:
>               libnewt-dev
>               afio
>               mkisofs
>               cdrecord
>               eject
>               gawk
>               dosfstools
> There is a mailing list that is mirrorred on gmane.
> The author seems less-receptive to Debian related problems, as the 
> console messages show.
> But... it is a superior tool. You dump a partition to CD's and you boot 
> (on a different or the same machine) with them to restore your data. I 
> use it all the time to do my backups.
> Hugo.

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