Kent West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  1) Your sound chip is not properly supported by whatever kernel
> you're using,
>    or
>  2) You don't have the correct modules installed
>    or
>  3) You're running a desktop environment like KDE or Gnome which
> expects a sound daemon like artsd or esd, and that daemon is not
> running.
4) Your device permissions are screwy.

>  4) Profit?  (that's a "insiders" joke, if you don't get it)

Wikipedia.  It's like the Funk and Wagnall's revenge apon the
Internet.  8:o)

 .''`.     Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    
`. `'`     proud Debian admin and user
  `-       Debian.  Because it *must* work.

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