
On Saturday 20 March 2004 14.45, Cedric Ware wrote:
> > [debian-security CC:ed since people there certainly have experience in
> > the 'Server/network set up' section below. Please don't crosspost when
> > you reply.
> Well, what about people subscribed to only one list but interested in both
> aspects of your message? :-)
They can always read the list archive :-)
[replying to both - I dunno which list you are on.]

> The main point I'd think of and that you may have missed would be software
> installation and maintenance.  Don't assume it's something you only do once

I wasn't mentioning it because I saw a thread or two discussing this a few 
months back, so I have quite a few pointers from there.

> http://www.infrastructures.org/
bookmarked - didn't know it.

> This doesn't solve the problem of installing new software / updating the
> configuration on multiple machines.  A shared /usr/local can help for
> non-packaged software and for part of the configuration (symlinks from /etc
> for selected files).  For the rest, one could use a special .deb whose
> installation scripts and dependency list makes the necessary changes, but
> alas I've not tried it yet.

I've been doing the custom config .deb thing on a few machines, but not for 
long. I feel this can solve a lot of problems.

> Of course, you had better make sure not to be the only one who understands
> the system, unless you intend to work there forever with no vacations.


> Perhaps it can be secured if all traffic on
> your network is IPsec-based?

I'm thinking about that - it would also solve most wifi-router and plugged-in 
laptop problems.

> >  - what is the color of my briefs?
> White and blue, separated along a diagonal?

I'm from Basel, though, and just in Z�rich because I have to (well, might be 
that my girlfriend has something to do with it, too).

Thanks & greets
-- vbi

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