I've played with a bunch of Debian variations, and have come to the
conclusion that I want a Debian (sid) install on my system.  I'll skip the
details on the varients I've played with (and the pluses and minuses)
(unless someone actually wants those details), and proceed to the main
question that I'm trying to figure out...

Given: One computer, and the ISO's (well, at least the first iso)
downloaded and burned onto the CD, how the frell do I install sid?

I've heard people say how wonderfull the installer is, but as far as I can
tell, after asking a few basic questions, it drops you into a ash shell.
I think at that point you're supposed to manually install the OS without
instructions.  Can someone send along a pointer as to where I should be
looking for those instructions?  'Cause at this point, I don't have a

Thanks in advance!


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