Thanks for your response:

I was able to get Win4Lin installed today and will be writing up a
'newbie' howto later.  I use Debian Sarge installed with the newest
(final) installer. The use of Grub instead of Lilo made this project
MUCH less of a hassle IMHO.

Here's the run-down of what I had to do:

1.) Downloaded the patches from the NeTraverse website for the 2.4.25

2.) Downloaded the Debian source files for the 2.4.25 kernel with
apt-get - the sources won't work (in this instance)
apparently because of a cramfs/initrd problem.

3.) The Netraverse patches are not gzipped - they save as '*.patch'
files. I was unable to use them until I first 'gzip'-ed them up.

4.) The patching instructions from NeTraverse are not suitable for
Debian. I instead followed the instructions from Marcel Holtmann's site - WITH ONE CRUCIAL
EXCEPTION: when running 'make-kpkg kernel-image' I had to add the
'--initrd' option - 'make-kpkg --initrd kernel-image'. 

5.) Installed the resulting .deb file (in '/usr/src/') with 'dpkg -i' 
and it installed flawlessly into Grub. 

After rebooting with the new (patched) kernel Win4Lin installed
perfectly! Windows 98 runs like a scalded dog and I have Adobe Photoshop
and all my Macromedia products running beautifully.

Hope this helps someone...

Chris Gray

On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 16:04, glenn wrote:
> I've got it running on sid, but running 2.4.18 (custom obviously) - from
> memory there's a section on the netraverse site for downloading kernel
> patches, which included some debian patches. 
> I don't recall requiring alien to conver the rpm file.
>  - Get back to me if you need me to ferret out more specific info.
> Glenn
> On Wed, 2004-03-17 at 05:28, Chris Gray wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I have purchased the latest version of Win4Lin and am trying to get it
> > running under Sarge. My Kernel version is Linux 2.4.22-1-386. Has anyone
> > else been able to get this to install and run correctly?
> > 
> > I have searched prior posts and seen numerous references to an .rpm
> > (Win4Lin-5.3.15b-d.i386.rpm) that could be converted with alien to patch
> > the kernel. But those references are more than a year old and no such
> > rpms seem to still be available.
> > 
> > Any help GREATLY appreciated...
> > 
> > Chris G.
> > 
> > 
> > 

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