On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 06:39:02PM -0500 or thereabouts, Kevin Mark wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 06:11:53PM -0500, S.D.A. wrote:
> > 
> > Well thanks, I know how to do a vanilla reply hook, I've got several
> > setup already. But I'm wondering how to get a specific gpg key to be the
> > default according to the various send-hooks.
> > 
> > Or...can one simply define all the keys where the default one is
> > registered in the muttrc? That way one can select which key to use
> > manually?
> > 
> > BTW I'm replying to this post on debian user, so your posts are getting
> > through.
> Hi S,
> thanks for the 'ability to post' update.
Oh, not a problem. 

> if I take the COMMAND part of the 'send-hook' and make it:
> set send-hook '~C debian' 'set pgp_sign_as = "XYZ"'
> it sets my pgp key to XYZ when I replay to a message with 'debian' in
> the 'to' field (ie. To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Is this not what
> you want?

Hm, I'll try it.

Update: Well I've changed the 'rc file so lets see...

No, not working - it's appending my hostname to the key # and putting it
in the to: field.

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