On Sun, 29 Feb 2004, s. keeling wrote:

> Check the manpage.  The "f" switch is used to tell tar that the next
> parameter is the file to use:
>    tar cvzf test.tar.gz /
> Instead, cd to someplace with some space, then run it.

Yes, that is right ... my fault.

> By default, tar doesn't, so you must have done something wrong.  Try:
>    cd /
>    tar cvzf /somewhere/test.tgz .
>    cd /somewhere
>    tar tvzf test.tgz
> Note the "."  btw, tarring the whole root dir will tar the entire
> filesystem, including everything that's mounted off the root
> filesystem.  man tar to find out how not to do that.

Yes surely, I did a lot of --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/dev ... that was not the

What I do not understand is:
I am in directory /home/me/TAR_EXAMPLE
Now I want to tar directory /tmp for example then I do

tar cvzf temp.test.tar.gz /tmp

Afterwards I receive in the directory /home/me/TAR_EXAMPLE the archive
temp.test.tar.gz which can be untared without any problems.

But ... trying to do

tar cvzf root.test.tar.gz / --exclude=home --exclude=/dev

I receive the archive root.test.tar.gz in directory /home/me/TAR_EXAMPLE
but trying to untar it gives me the mkdir-error-message.

Why is tar not processing the / directory like any other directory and why is
it adding a / when tar xvzf cannot untar it?

So the conclusion would be that trying to tar the / directory I have to cd
into that directory to make it working while with any other directory I can
start the tar-process from where ever I want?

... don't touch the bang bang fruit

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