
I'm seeking advice on a technical matter. I want to establish a
private (wireless) network in an area of say 5x5 km2. In this area there
are a number of vehicles moving around and each of the vehicles should
constantly - every second - be updated about the position of the other
vehicles (obtained via GPS). In addition to the position other types of
data might need to be exchanged/distributed as well. 
Each of the vehicles will have a laptop onboard which will be used for
processing the information obtained from the other vehicles.
Since it is not possible to cover the area with normal wireless access points 
I'm seeking another carrier of the signal. GSM/GPRS is not really an 
option either due to the cost of having around 25 phones running 24/7. 
Does anybody know of another technical solution which I can use to create 
such a network?


PS: and hopefully the OT does not disturb to much...

Karsten Bolding                    Bolding & Burchard Hydrodynamics
Strandgyden 25                     Phone: +45 64422058
DK-5466 Asperup                    Fax:   +45 64422068
Denmark                            Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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