I also needed to use the via-rhine driver with
Woody. I used the one from the Scyld site. There
are some minor things to fix but basically the
Scyld driver will solve your problems.

To compile a driver, you need to install the kernel
headers, using dselect for example. If you have the
latest Woody, the package to install is probably
kernel-headers-2.4.18-bf2.4, but check your
kernel version by uname -a.

If you've installed the correct kernel headers
and still can't build the via-rhine driver,
post the detailed error message and I'll
try to help you. But I can reassure you that
basically this is going to work, because I've
done it.

Nick Jacobs
--- Chris Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I hope I can get some help on this list as I've dug
> myself in a hole 
> I think.
> I run debian stable (3.0r2) for a small home set up
> on ADSL that 
> handles Email (closed opt in!) for some charities.
> I've used old 
> hardware for a firewall and a server but the
> firewall is dying and I 
> replaced it with a lovely, small, near silent box
> with a VIA EPIA 
> mini-ITX motherboard which has two LAN ports
> controlled by a VT6105 
> on board controller.  If I stick a tried and tested
> realtek 8139 
> clone PCI card in I can have the three ports I want
> ....
> Having always used old hardware and never hit
> compatibility problems 
> I didn't realise I was asking for trouble.  The
> 2.4.18 kernel is the 
> latest in the Debian stable distro and I want to
> stick with Debian 
> 'cos I know and trust it, and stable 'cos of the
> security updates, 
> particularly important as this is firewall.  Trouble
> is that I think 
> the driver I need is a via-rhine one but the one
> that comes with that 
> Debian kernel won't install (the rtl one does
> fine!).  I've tried 
> pulling the driver (rhinefet) off the VIA
> motherboard site and the 
> via-rhine off the scyld site but I'm hopelessly out
> of my depth now 
> as there are clearly old and vexatious issues about
> the ways that 
> different distros store the headers and source, e.g.
> both VIA and 
> scyld's Makefiles and source want a modversions.h
> file that clearly 
> doesn't exist in Debian .. I've tried to work round
> that but modprobe 
> on the via-rhine.o I finally produced gives all
> sorts of unresolved 
> symbol complaints and I know I'm out of my league
> here.
> Can anyone help?  The only alternative I can see
> looming is to spend 
> about a third as much as I paid for the entire
> machine on a totally 
> unnecessarily fast quadport Intel card (I need three
> ports and only 
> have one free PCI slot as the machine is so small).
> Sod, sod, sod: I'll take hardware compatibility more
> seriously in 
> future won't I?!
> TIA,
> Chris
> P.S. Copying to debian-user for archive record if
> nothing else, 
> though similar question has twice drawn blank there
> beforePSYCTC: 
> Psychotherapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Counselling
>    and Therapeutic Communities; practice, research, 
>    teaching and consultancy.
> Chris Evans & Jo-anne Carlyle
> http://psyctc.org/ Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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