Hi there.

I've been switching ISPs as some of you maybe noticed.

Now I don't know how to reliably differentiate between the accounts in
.procmailrc.  There has been some partial progress, though:

(0) I can have two fetchmails running concurrently when I rm
~/.fetchmail.pid manually

(1) the tracepolls fetchmailrc(5) option will help a bit, but I don't
know how to parse it from within .procmailrc without the help of an
external program: Similar header *can* be set by another server on the
way (bounces and the like), and I want the solution to work 100%.

(2) ident= string fetchmail sets could be abused to include a long
enough pseudorandom string, one for each account.  But although I'd
swear I've read about it, now I can't find how to change the
``ident=foobar'' default.

Any ideas?

``You know those mail clients:  MS Outlook, mail(1), or even telnet(1).
  All of them suck.  This one just sucks less.''

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