On Tue, Feb 24, 2004 at 01:49:25PM +0100, Richard Lyons wrote:
| On Tuesday 24 February 2004 11:58, Shot wrote:

| > Richard Lyons:
| > > You have mouse active in console?  I haven't seen that
| > > since I switched from RedHat.  How do you achieve that?
| >
| > Through apt-get install gpm. There were some problems with it not
| > behaving nicely with subsequently started X, but there were also
| > some solutions to this, I believe.
| Thanks.  Turns out I have gpm installed.  It just never worked on any of the  
| machines (one woody 2 sid).  Wonder why... something for a lazy day -- not 
| urgent enough for now.

Or spend 10 minutes now and be done with it.  Really.  Setting up gpm
is very simple, and getting gpm and X to play together is equally as
simple.  The steps go like this (copied from earlier posts of mine to
this list) :

I can't emphasize it enough:

    1)  stop X, get gpm working
        1.a)    pick the right device (usually /dev/psaux)
        1.b)    pick the right protocol (usually ps2 or imps2)
        1.c)    repeat_type=raw
        1.d)    start gpm, move mouse
        1.e)    if this doesn't work, go back to 1.a!

    2)  get X working
        2.a)    pick the right device (/dev/gpmdata!!)
        2.b)    pick the right protocol
                                  (the same one gpm is using; duh :-))
        2.c)    start X, move mouse
        2.d)    if this doesn't work, which step did you not follow
                    correctly?  :-)

Note the critical elements -- device and protocol.  If you don't use
the right device and the right protocol, it isn't going to work,
right.  Period.  Get those two right and it will work.

It works every time.


PS. Additional information :

"Don't use C;  In my opinion,  C is a library programming language
 not an app programming language."  - Owen Taylor (GTK+ developer)
www: http://dman13.dyndns.org/~dman/            jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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