Or if you follow my post you can add the line to /etc/apt/sources.list deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main do
aptitude update aptitude install mplayer-386 mplayer-mozilla mplayer-fonts w32codecs (or instead of mplayer-386 use accelerated mplayer-686 mplayer-k6 mplayer-k7 and instead of w32codecs there is also w32codecs-light) and you are up and running. This includes both the non-gui and the gui versions. The only issue I am having is that for some reason it ignores entries in /etc/mplayer/mplayerplug-in.conf. If any of the plugins are missing you can just drop them into /usr/lib/win32 (There is also the mplayerplug-in package I think in unstable but I never tried it). On Tue, Feb 24, 2004 at 12:44:35PM -0600, Benjamin Sher wrote: > Dear Micha: > > I'm enclosing a copy below of my instructions for installing Mplayer and > Mplayerplug-in for Xandros/Debian. They will apply just as well to Debian > itself. Note that you need to install Mplayer with a special argument in > order to get the GUI version. It's all here. Just read below. > > Benjamin > > Dear friends: > > If you want to play Windows Media Player and QuickTime on Linux (and the > latest versions, to boot), I strongly recommend MPlayer. Using the Mplayer > plugin, you will be able to play WMP and QT (and the latest versions, to > boot) in Mozilla, Netscape, Konqueror and Opera. > > Since Linux already has great DVD players (Xine, Ogle and Vlc), the main > reason for adding Mplayer is not so much for playing DVD's (though it does it > as well as the other players). It's for the browser plugins. And, believe me, > it's well worth the effort. And that is why I have taken the trouble to write > these instructions for those who could not install Mplayer using the other > instructions on our forums. > > Before I proceed, you might wonder: Why is Mplayer so difficult to install? > Well, in my research online, I came across the following article on this > whole issue. Bottom line: the authors of Mplayer apparently have an attitude. > Here is the URL (middle of page): > > Mplayer: The Project from Hell > http://www.linuxworld.com/story/32880.htm > > OK, now on to the instructions. Here goes: > > I. Installing MPlayer. > > We'll install the graphical version of Mplayer. > > 1. In Xandros Networks, download and install the gcc 3.33 file, libgtk1.2-dev > and the libpng12-dev libraries. You will need them both to recompile the > mplayer file from source. > > 2. Go to the MPlayer home page at: > > http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/design6/news.html > > If you can't access them directly, do it by typing "mplayer" in Google. > > Now download the following files: > > The MPlayer 1.0pre3. SOURCE tar file. > The Blue default skin > The Arial Western-1 font file. > > Binary Codecs: > > All-in-One Package > More binary packages > > (These are for Linux, of course, NOT for Windows -- that's what the text > means) > > 3. Unpack the files above using Ark by first creating a directory for each of > the three files (name them whatever you want), e.g. mplayer-basic, blue, > arial. Right click on the tar file and click on "Extract". This will extract > the contents into the corresponding directory. So the mplayer-basic directory > should now be filled with all sorts of subdirectories and files. > > 4. In the console go to the mplayer-basic directory and, AS USER, type: > > ./configure --enable-gui --enable-win32 > > This takes about one minute. > > Now type: > > make > > This will create the mplayer program. This takes under 15 minutes (on my Dell > Dimension 8200 1.8 G with 512 meg of RAM) > > Then type: > > make install > > This takes a few seconds. > > This will install the GUI version of Mplayer on your system. > > Mplayer will be installed into /usr/local/ and this is a good thing because > Xandros/Debian leaves /usr/local alone for users to do with it whatever they > want. > > Here is what you should see in the console: > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ whereis mplayer > mplayer: /usr/local/bin/mplayer /usr/local/etc/mplayer /usr/local/lib/mplayer > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ > > NOTE: Now run /usr/local/bin/mplayer in the console ONCE in order to create > the /home/user/.mplayer directory. > > 5. Now comes the funny part: believe it or not, but even though you selected > to install the GUI version of mplayer (which ordinarily is a command-line > application), you will not see it as yet in X11. That is because Mplayer does > NOT, I repeat, does NOT come with a default GUI skin. You have to add a GUI > skin for MPlayer to open at all. So, to add the GUI, first extract the Blue > default Skin and add it to the /usr/local/share/mplayer. You might as well > also add the Arial font. Add them as follows: > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cd /usr/local/share/mplayer > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/share/mplayer$ ls > font Skin > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/share/mplayer$ cd font > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/share/mplayer/font$ ls > font.desc iso-8859-1-b.raw osd-mplayer-b.raw > > iso-8859-1-a.raw osd-mplayer-a.raw README-arial-iso-8859-1 > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/share/mplayer/font$ cd .. > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/share/mplayer$ cd Skin > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin$ ls > default > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin$ cd default > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin/default$ ls > about.png barstop.png main.png play.png skinb.png > bareqb.png barzoom.png main-silver.png pos.png stop.png > barexit.png eqb.png menu.png prefs.png subblue.png > barffwd.png exit.png menus.png prev.png subload.png > barfwd.png font.fnt minimize.png progres-long2c.png symbols2.png > barmute.png font-pl.png mute.png progres-long2d.png symbols.fnt > barplay.png forward.png next.png README symbolsg.fnt > barrev.png icons playbar.png rev.png VERSION > barrevv.png load.png playlist.png skin zoom-3.png > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin/default$ > Please note that a) Skin is capitalized (initial caps) and b) the specific > skin directory (whatever the original name) must be called "default". > > Just in case, I'd copy the font and Skin files/directories (exactly as they > are now) to /home/user/.mplayer. In other words, I'd duplicate the mplayer > files in the home directory. > > 6. The GUI executable for Mplayer is NOT mplayer but "gmplayer". Create a > shortcut, add /usr/local/bin/gmplayer and an icon (I use the same one that > comes with Xine), and then double-click. It should launch Mplayer flawlessly. > Try out a DVD. Remember to select DVD in Mplayer: Right click on the big > Mplayer splash screen, select DVD, Open Disk. Press Enter. > > II. Windows Codecs > > Unpack them and install them in /home/user/.mplayer/win32 > (Create the /plugins/win32 directory if it isn't there already). > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.mplayer$ cd win32 > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.mplayer/win32$ ls > acelpdec.ax huffyuv.dll msgsm32.acm ubv263d+.ax > alf2cd.acm i263_32.drv msh261.drv ubvmp4d.dll > asusasv2.dll iccvid.dll msms001.vwp ultimo.dll > asusasvd.dll icmw_32.dll msnaudio.acm vgpix32d.dll > ativcr2.dll imaadp32.acm msrle32.dll vid_3ivX.xa > atrac3.acm imc32.acm msscds32.ax vivog723.acm > atrc.so.6.0 ir32_32.dll msvidc32.dll voxmsdec.ax > avimszh.dll ir41_32.dll mvoiced.vwp vp31vfw.dll > avizlib.dll ir50_32.dll nsrt2432.acm vp4vfw.dll > CLRVIDDC.DLL ivvideo.dll pclepim1.dll vssh264core.dll > clrviddd.dll jp2avi.dll qdv.dll vssh264dec.dll > cook.so.6.0 l3codeca.acm qpeg32.dll vssh264.dll > CtWbJpg.DLL l3codecx.ax qtmlClient.dll vsslight.dll > ddnt.so.6.0 LCodcCMP.dll QuickTimeEssentials.qtx vsswlt.dll > divxa32.acm lhacm.acm QuickTimeInternetExtras.qtx wma9dmod.dll > divx_c32.ax m3jp2k32.dll QuickTime.qts wmadmod.dll > divxc32.dll m3jpeg32.dll rt32dcmp.dll wmspdmod.dll > divxdec.ax m3jpegdec.ax sipr.so.6.0 wmv8ds32.ax > divx.dll mcdvd_32.dll sp5x_32.dll wmv9dmod.dll > dnet.so.6.0 mcmjpg32.dll tm20dec.ax wmvdmod.dll > drv2.so.6.0 mpg4c32.dll tokf.so.6.0 wmvds32.ax > drv3.so.6.0 mpg4ds32.ax tokr.so.6.0 > drv4.so.6.0 msadp32.acm tsccvid.dll > dspr.so.6.0 msg711.acm tssoft32.acm > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/.mplayer/win32$ ls > > NOTE1: If you want to create a shortcut on your desktop. remember to look > for /usr/local/bin/gmplayer NOT mplayer. > > NOTE2: For those of you who have not yet download the critical libdvdcss file > to enable your DVD player (Xine, Mplayer, Ogle or whatever) to play encrypted > (Hollywood) DVD's, here is where you can get it: > > libdvdcss2_1.2.8-1_i386.deb > http://mirrors.wamug.org.au/videolan/libdvdcss/1.2.8/deb/ > > III. LAST BUT NOT LEAST: The MPlayer Plugin File > > First, if you don't have Mozilla 1.6, you will need to download the Gecko-SDK > 1.6 from: > > > http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/mozilla/releases/mozilla1.6/ > > NOTE: DO NOT INSTALL THE GECKO-SDK. I repeate. DO NOT INSTALL IT. Just > download and untar it with Ark and leave it as it is, UNINSTALLED. > > Now go the Mplayerplug-in home page at: > > http://mplayerplug-in.sourceforge.net/ > > Download the source tar for mplayerplug-in 2.11. Uncompress it with Ark. Now > install the plugin from the mplayerplug-in folder with the following > commands: > > 1) Configuring > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/L-Files/Downloads/Mplayer/mplayerplug-in$ ls > ChangeLog LICENSE plugingate > common Makefile plugin-list.o > config.h Makefile.in plugin.o > config.h.in mplayerplug-in.conf plugin-setup.o > config.log mplayerplug-in.so plugin-support.o > config.status mplayerplug-in.spec plugin-threads.o > configure mplayerplug-in.types plugin-ui.o > configure.in mplayerplug-in.xpt README > Copy of mplayerplug-in.conf np_entry.o Source > extras npn_gate.o strlcat.o > include npp_gate.o strlcpy.o > INSTALL nsScriptablePeer.o TODO > install.sh pixmaps > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/L-Files/Downloads/Mplayer/mplayerplug-in$ > ./configure --with-gecko-sdk=/path/to/gecko-sdk > > 2) Creating the plugin: > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/L-Files/Downloads/Mplayer/mplayerplug-in$ > make > > 3) Installation: > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/L-Files/Downloads/Mplayer/mplayerplug-in$ > make install > > That's it. Just like that. You will be installing the mplayerplug-in with the > help of the Gecko-SDK libraries (but without installing the Gecko-SDK > libraries themselves). > > The Mplayer plugins should now work. Go to Mozilla, Konqueror, etc. and type > in the address box: > > about:plugins (no space). You will see all of the mplayer plugins along with > the PDF, Flash (swf) and Java plugins. You might also see the Mozilla plugins > (mozplugger). If so, you may have to remove the mozplugger file. This is a 34 > kb file. There is also a big xandros-mozilla-plugins file (676 kb). This is, > according to XN, still installed on my system. I would imagine that it > handles the remaining plugins. The Xandros-mozilla-plugins does NOT conflict > with the Mplayer plugins but the mozplugger definitely does. The solution is > either to remove mozplugger or to configure it so it doesn't conflict with > Mplugger. I'd strongly recommend uninstalling it. It is pretty much dead, > anyway. > > That's it. Go to: > > http://www.hollywood.com > > Try out a movie trailer in Windows Media Player or Quicktime format. It should > play beautifully. > > or: > > http://www.cbsnews.com > > Please note that the size of the window (small, medium, large) will depend on > your Internet connection. If you can't handle large size screens, select the > medium size and it should work. > > > A note about RealPlayer: the RealPlayer plugin works great with standalone > sites but NOT with Real embedded sites. For RealPlayer embedded plugin sites, > please see my RealPlayer 8/9 Plugin installation guide in this section. > > > Yours, > > Benjamin > > > On 02/24/2004 05:49 am, Micha Feigin wrote: > > On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 10:26:57PM -0800, Paul Mackinney wrote: > > > Bijan Soleymani declaimed: > > > > On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 09:34:02PM -0800, Paul Mackinney wrote: > > > > > I'm running Debian/Sarge. Bummed that I can't watch those funny > > > > > MoveOn political ads. Help? Other streaming video works fine. > > > > > > > > Mplayer can play quicktime files (with the approriate plugin). > > > > Check out their homepage: > > > > http://www.mplayerhq.hu > > > > > > > > Technical/legal/packaging/various other reasons prevent Debian > > > > from shipping mplayer, but there are some precompiled debs out > > > > there if you don't feel like compiling from source. > > > > > > > > Bijan > > > > > > Thanks very much. I use mplayer, managed to compile it but not the gui > > > package, struggling with optimization. DVD's play tolerably but with > > > some stutter at peak load (Celeron Coppermine/600MHz/512MB/AGP Matrox > > > G400 w/16 MB -- advice appreciated off list). Downloading codecs now. > > > > You can get mplayer deb (also optimized) using the following line in > > sources.list > > deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main > > > > > Paul > > > -- > > > Paul Mackinney > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > > > > > > > -- > > > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > > > > > > > +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > > > This Mail Was Scanned By Mail-seCure System > > > at the Tel-Aviv University CC. > > -- > Sher's Russian Web > http://www.websher.net > Benjamin and Anna Sher > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > -- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > This Mail Was Scanned By Mail-seCure System > at the Tel-Aviv University CC. > -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? 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