On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 10:29:39PM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote: > On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 07:39:13PM +0000, Pigeon wrote: > > It's a long time since I took my car test, and I had no problems with > > the emergency stop, but the examiner's instructions were "...without > > locking the wheels", so I'd guess any kind of lock would be a fail. > > Dunno what they do now that ABS is common. > > When I was learning to drive, I locked the brakes on my truck (at the > time, it was my mom's truck). Only time I have ever seen the ABS > light come on except when I'm starting the truck, too. I'll be damned > if I could reproduce that. > > > With the motorcycle test, the instructions are to stop the bike "under > > control", and without hitting the examiner who has just jumped out in > > front of you. It seems that a minor lockup is permitted as long as you > > counteract it and keep the bike under control. > > What I never understood is locally they tell bicyclists that you stop > faster locking the brakes and everybody else to absolutely avoid doing
Its actually wrong also for bicycles. If you skid it takes a much longer time to stop. Another thing a lot of casual cyclists don't know is that you actually should stop mostly with the front brake (which is much much more effective). You just need to make sure to hold yourself in place with your hands not to go over the handlebar. You do that and you won't flip. > so. Never mind that if you can stick a fast stop with good brakes, as > hard as you can without locking the wheels, you stop way, way faster > than skidding, especially going downhill...and I don't know anybody > who enjoys the smell of burning rubber... > > > > Then again, the traction control doesn't work worth a damn either :) > > > > ...so you can still powerslide round roundabouts :-) > > I switch from four wheels to two in the snow and ice if I can. > Nothing like sticking a wicked fishtail peelout going around the > corner on a bicycle... > > -- > .''`. Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > : :' : http://ursine.ca/ > `. `'` proud Debian admin and user > `- Debian. Because it *must* work. > > > -- > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > This Mail Was Scanned By Mail-seCure System > at the Tel-Aviv University CC. > -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]