On Sun, Feb 22, 2004 at 10:51:58PM +0530, Deboo wrote: } Over the years, I have been using many email clients from windows to linux } and have been saving lots of old personal emails. I have many them in many } different formats as per the MUA. They are a lot. } } Now, I could search for one or two email addresses whenever I need to, } having kept all these different mailboxes in one directory. Never having } made an addressbook, is what caused this problem. I would like to sort, } search and make a list of the email addresses. I know qute many of these } addresses have become invalid over the years and some friends' addresses } are more than one or two, but still a list would be nice. I know it can be } done with shell scripting and better with perl but I know neither. Not } that I do not want to learn, but I need help to get this list. Can anyone } help me out by giving the commands needed to do this? If they think this I } am asking for mass e-mail, then I could make a dir listing of the } mailboxes and send you the list so you know these are my friends and not } some spam thing I am asking.
I'm assuming your mailboxes are in some reasonable format where email addresses are encoded in ascii and separated from other text by either space or control characters. This is a moderately reasonable assumption. cat <all mail files> |\ awk -F '[ \000-\0026]' '/@/ { for (i=0;i<NF;++i) if ($i ~ "/@/") print $i; }' |\ sort -fu Perl? We don't need no stinkin' perl. } Thanks and Regards, } Deboo --Greg -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]