Win4Lin (I still cannot afford it but ...) the promises sound good :-)
Already up and running? Pass the Lindows on to friend still hemming-and-hawing 
about taking the "step up" :-)
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Greetings NeTraverse Registered Members,

NeTraverse is pleased to announce a very special limited-time offer to our
valued NeTraverse community. Due to our strong partnership with Lindows, we
have been given the privilege of offering a free copy of LindowsOS
( to all registered Win4Lin users.

To take advantage of this special offer please visit:

In conjunction with this offer, if you are a member of our community but not
yet a user of Win4Lin, NeTraverse is offering the Win4Lin Workstation
Edition 5 Electronic License for $69.99(a $20 savings) and Win4Lin Workstation
Edition 5 Box for $89.99(a $10 savings). When you purchase Win4Lin 5 under   
this promotion, you will also receive a coupon for a free copy of LindowsOS.
This discount is also available to current Win4Lin users who would like to
purchase an additional copy of Win4Lin, and receive an additional coupon for
your free copy of LindowsOS.

We hope that you are able to take advantage of these savings on two great

Win4Lin 5 Workstation Electronic License 69.99

Win4Lin 5 Workstation Edition Box 89.99

What is LindowsOS?

LindowsOS is the leading desktop Linux operating system designed
specifically for desktop and Laptop computers!  It offers the power,
stability and cost-savings of Linux with the ease of a windows environment.
You'll be instantly comfortable using LindowsOS for superior Internet
browsing, email, instant messaging, media playback, gaming, and much more.

Best of all, LindowsOS also includes the revolutionary CNR Warehouse that
makes installing software easier than any other operating system.  The CNR
Warehouse is an online digital library with over 1800 software programs -
including Win4Lin - available to be installed with one click of the mouse.

What is Win4Lin?

Win4Lin Workstation 5 ( is
the best way to run your Windows applications on Linux. Companies like
Lindows have demonstrated the wide variety of applications that can run on
Linux and make you productive. But, still, Linux alternatives do not exist
for everything you need. That's why Win4Lin Workstation makes it possible 
for you to run those applications in a shared environment without having to
dual-boot, or have special file systems. Win4Lin is the best integrated
environment for running Quicken, TurboTax, Lotus Notes, and millions of
other Windows applications - but with the security and reliability of Linux.

This offer is valid through February 29th, 2004.  Please act now.


The NeTraverse Team

This message contains information about NeTraverse and Win4Lin products. You
are receiving this mailing because you have signed up at the NeTraverse
website to receive periodic information from NeTraverse. To be removed from
future mailings please click or use the following link:


--- End Message ---

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