On 19 Feb 2004, Monique Y. Herman wrote:

> This is just the hosts file for one of the machines ...
> What are you intending to accomplish with the acampbell.org.uk and
> accampbell.uklinux.net entries?
> Each entry after the IP address on a line should be an identifier for
> this machine and this machine only.

Thanks. After a fair amount of googling I've found some templates for
/etc/hosts and these have clarified most of the issues for me.
> > Related question to start of this thread: is ssh what I need?  The
> > situation is that I have two computers (desktop and notebook)
> > connected to the router and accessing the Internet independently. I
> > want to be able to exchange files between them. (Email would do at a
> > pinch but I can't see how to do that either.)
> >
> Well, scp is ssh's file transfer tool.  If your router also acts as a
> firewall *and* you have particular directories you care about, you might
> consider using NFS or Samba for file sharing.  Do *not* use NFS or Samba
> unless you have a firewall of some sort in between those machines and
> the world at large.
> (Actually, I strongly recommend configuring a firewall, regardless of
> what services you choose to run.  Close every inbound port that you
> don't absolutely need.)

Yes, I do have a firewall. I'll take up your suggestion of looking into
NFS and Samba and do some more work on all this over the coming days.
Thanks to you and everyone else for help.


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