On Wed, Feb 18, 2004 at 11:49:51AM -0600, Michael Kahle wrote:
> I have a server that is dedicated to doing backups via Amanda.  I have
> recently purchased a Intel Pro 1000 Server adapter for this machine.  To get
> this adapter working, I rolled my own 2.6.2 kernel, but this introduced more
> problems onto my Woody machine.  The modutils package is deprecated for use
> with the 2.6 series kernels, as far as I can tell.  It requires for modules
> the module-init-tools package that is not included in the standard woody set
> of packages.  I downloaded the module-init-tools deb from
> packages.debian.org, only to find out that it requires a higher version of
> gcc than woody ships with.  I tried forcing the package, but it wasn't
> kidding when it said that it depends on a higher rev of gcc.  It didn't
> work.

Take a look at backports.org, if you want to use woody.
| deb http://www.backports.org/debian woody kernel-2.6

LLAP, Martin

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