On Sat, Feb 14, 2004 at 09:31:24PM +1100, Phillipus Gunawan wrote:
> Hi there,
> I had a gigabyte motherboard, GA-6BXDU - rev1.3, dual PIII 500 with scsi
> 50pin and 80pin on board. To boot from cd-rom, this m/b only support
> cd-rom boot via scsi, it wont allow me to boot ide cd-rom, that is what
> the previous owner said to me and I've tried to boot from ide cd-rom, no
> luck.
> But... this motherboard only want to boot with windowz cd, not with my
> Debian cd #5. Is there any experience user with this kind of m/b able to
> install Debian on it? How can I install Debian then?

There's a floppy image "sbm.bin" on the installation CD. sbm stands
for "Smart Boot Manager". Boot from a floppy and use dd or
rawrite2.exe to write this image to a blank floppy, then boot off that
floppy and it'll give you a menu to boot off any other drive even if
your BIOS can't.


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