I have just installed and started to verify my Sarge installation,
and to my surprise I found (or rather "John" did) that cyrus has a password and seems to be a login account.
Seems to be the same in both Sarge as well as in Woody.
Is this correct, or have I missed something (which I think is fairly likely:) )
Sarge Version: 2.1.16-3 ====== mollie:/etc# grep cyrus passwd shadow passwd:cyrus:x:102:8:Cyrus Mailsystem User,,,:/var/spool/cyrus:/bin/sh shadow:cyrus:$1$ONG7JHUE$c/NqNvpOqi1fPmbSN0Oiu0:12424:0:99999:7::: mollie:/etc# mollie:/etc# grep postfix passwd shadow passwd:postfix:x:101:1001::/var/spool/postfix:/bin/false shadow:postfix:!:12390:0:99999:7:::
Woody Version: 2.1.15-0woody.1.0 ===== dellie:/etc# grep cyrus passwd shadow passwd:cyrus:x:103:8:Cyrus Mailsystem User,,,:/var/spool/cyrus:/bin/sh shadow:cyrus:$1$y2Zb/524$D99BrzXn/dKOUN6LO3C4s.:12381:0:99999:7::: dellie:/etc# dellie:/etc# grep postfix passwd shadow passwd:postfix:x:102:1002::/var/spool/postfix:/bin/false shadow:postfix:!:12435:0:99999:7:::
Description: OpenPGP digital signature