
On Thu, Feb 12, 2004 at 10:53:56AM -0800, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> on Sun, Feb 08, 2004 at 02:54:53AM +0000, Steve Hargreaves ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Hi folks
> > 
> > OK - I admit it. I've been working with computers for over 20 years
> > (IBM mainframe, mini, micro(or PC as they are called, now), WinNT
> > networks etc.  and an Amiga developer (not using C) - but this damn
> > Linux business is driving me nuts. First time I've used an OS that you
> > (literally) have to build yourself, and has so many quirks it's
> > untrue.
> As others have said:  GNU/Linux is Unix in heart and philosphy.  Tools
> are tools.


> > So - in a bid to not flood this list with questions, I'm prepared to
> > go out there and try to become an expert myself, but despite my love
> > of technology and computers, I'm still something of a traditionalist
> > when it comes to reading - ie - I like paper.
> > 
> > What would people recommend I start with (assume I'm a complete
> > novice) that will guide me through the basics of Linux (and more
> > specifically, debian) that I can get without trawling the web and
> > spending several pound on printer ink and paper to get (and if my
> > local library can get hold of it - even better).
> Dead trees are hard pressed to keep up with the latest and greatest on
> GNU/Linux and particularly Debian developments.  Invariably, they're 6-9
> months old, at the least at publication, and frequently years by the
> time you run across them.
> That said, two points to keep in mind:
>   - Unix knowledge ages gracefully.  Change is evolutionary rather than
>     revolutionary, and core principles remain largely unchanged.  Once
>     you understand the basics, you're well equipped to grok details.
>   - There's a tremendous amount of information available online.
>     And much of this is packaged for Debian.  
> For books, as a basic introduction:
>    - _Running Linux_
>    - _Linux in a Nutshell_
>    - _UNIX Power Tools_

I also read "A Practical Guide to Linux" by Sobell for this level of
entry level general Unix guide.

> Nemeth is good, through perhaps advanced for the typical user.  You
> might also want a good shell reference (the command line interpreter --
> bash, zsh, tcsh, etc., you use).  


> Classics such as Kernighan & Pike's _The UNIX Programming Environment_
> and Kernighan & Ritchies _The C Programming Language_ are useful
> specifically because they _do_ focus on the essentials and
> philosophical foundations of Unix and C.

Yes, I think this philosophical part is important too.  Although I have
little appetite to actually use nroff thing except man pages.

> Beyond these basics, find your area of interest.  There are many:
> security, networking, programming (C/C++, Perl, Python, Ruby, Java,
> ...), various services (mail, web, database, ...), specific tools and
> systems (CVS, Emacs, LDAP, DocBook, ...), and vertical areas
> (bioinformatics, educational software, telephony).


> For available online documentation:
>     Install the 'dwww'
>     package, which presents your locally installed documentation at
>     http://localhost/dwww/  Then grab yourself the following packages:
>       - apt-howto-en    # Debian apt HOWTO
>       - lg-all          # Linux Gazette -- new issues monthly.
or      -lg-latest-two
>       - rutebook        # RUTE user tutorial and exposition

Hmmm... I did not know this.  Although this is in non-free archive, it
is nice book.  You can buy hardcpver too.  (I added link from my
reference page to this.)

>       - doc-linux-html  # Numerous HOWTOs

        - doc-linux-text  # Easier if you are searching by grep command.

>       - debian-guide    # Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage

A good book but getting a bit old.

>       - debian-history  # A Short History of the Debian Project
>       - debian-policy   # Debian Policy Manual and related documents
>       - debian-reference-en #  Debian system administration guide,
>                           English original


>       - doc-debian      # Debian Project documentation, Debian FAQ and
>                           other documents

Always, read this if you have question on Debian.

>       - doc-iana        # Internet protocol parameter registry
>       - doc-rfc         # Internet requests for comments (IETF standards)

Good point. I added these to my support page too.

> You should also look over http://www.debian.org/ under the Documentation
> section, which includes copious docs (many of which are packaged within
> the Debian distribution itself).

> The GNU/Linux Documentation Project (TLDP) contains a comprehensive set
> of HOWTOs, FAQs, guides, manpages, Linux Gazette, and LinuxFocus.
> http://www.tldp.org/

> And don't forget the basics -- man and info pages online.  "man
> <command>", "info <command>", and "apropos <subject>" are useful.
> Most commands will offer a brief syntax guide if invoked with "--help"
> or "-h" options.
> Most interactive and/or GUI apps offer a help function.  '?', 'h', 'q',
> or <F1>' in console based apps may bring up a dialog, most GUI apps have
> an explicit 'Help' menu.
> Peace.
> -- 
> Karsten M. Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
>  What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
>    Moderator, Free Software Law Discussion mailing list:
>      http://lists.alt.org/mailman/listinfo/fsl-discuss/

Nice list.

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