On Wed, Feb 11, 2004 at 04:25:42PM +0000, Mark wrote:
> Yeah - just been through a very similar battle with an Epox motherboard
> EP-8RDA and a Samsung 80G and a Maxtor 60G drives.
> I won't bore you with all the hassles, but in my case (after hours of
> digging), I discovered that the BIOS has a setting for how the hdds
> are addressed.  I don't pretend to understand all the details, but
> the BIOS was defaulting (on an AUTO setting) to CHS, whereas on larger
> disks, LBA (or perhaps large?) are appropriate.

Sounds like the BIOS is somewhat broken. CHS is no good for anything
over half a gig! LBA is indeed correct. Not entirely sure what "large"
does; I think it's some sort of fudge that can handle more than half a
gig but not as much as LBA. I once had a WD Caviar 850 drive / BIOS
combination that played silly buggers if you didn't use "large", but
that single occurrence is the only time I've had to use it.


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