On Thu, Feb 12, 2004 at 02:58:54AM +1100, Rob Weir wrote:

| On Wed, Feb 11, 2004 at 03:51:37AM -0500, ~Honorable Dr Lou Who said
| > What a mess!

[snipped almost all of the initial ranting]

| > Dang, nevermind, I'll download the IMAGE FILE AGAIN!
| Why do you have to download it again?



| > So he burned CD's off my hard drive attached to his PC, BECAUSE CD
| > CREATOR 4 HAS NO ISO converter processes, BUT funny his older PC
| > burner did? Amazing!
| It's hardly Debian's fault if you're using low-quality CD burning
| software;  ISO-9660 is a recognised international standard.

I quite agree.  However, I think Lou is referring to Adobe's "Easy CD
Creator".  My brother had that same program - came preinstalled with
WinME from Dell.  It most certainly does have the option "Create CD
from Image" in the leftmost menu ("File"?).  Select the ISO on disk
and click "Ok" (or "Next" or "Go" or whatever).  I used it a few times
before I got a burner (hardware) in my machine.  This Problem Exists
Between the Keyboard And the Chair.
| > OK, I will try a download again, 
| A third time?  Why?

Same reason as before (see dilbert).  Or perhaps Lou has amnesia and
can't remember where he downloaded the image to the first and second
times ;-).

| You come across as very, very angry.  Why are you angry at Debian, or
| the people on this list?  We did nothing to you.  If you have
| constructive suggestions for how to make Debian easier to use, then they
| would be welcomed with open arms.  If you just want to abuse us because
| Debian didn't match your expectations, then go away, use something that
| makes you happy.
| If, on the other hand, you actually want help with installing Debian,
| then find a friend who's done it before.  Or talk to your LUG.  Or a
| local PC user group.  Or ask POLITELY on this list for help.  Or come to
| #debian on irc.debian.org.  Or hire a consultant
| (http://www.debian.org/consultants/).  Or any of the other methods on
| the Debian Support page (http://www.debian.org/support) prominently
| linked from the front page.

Quite right.  Debian provides -vast quantities- of Free technical
support and education to go along with the software.  However, it is
up to you to exercise your manners because, after all, volunteers tend
to spend their time on the people who care enough to be polite to
those helping them and to help themselves by reading and thinking.

| > Thanks! 
| >  ~Honorable Dr Lou Who - 
| >   Now boasting 56 current websites!  So Do You LouWho???  www.LouWho.com 
| >       LouWho search, lists your site to over 1500 web search affiliates! 
| > 
| >        Start the internet over! 
| >        
| >        Use website tonight, or web host, or ftp, or Front Page! 

Whoa, wait a minute, how can Lou provide FTP hosting when earlier he
said he and 90% of the world doesn't know how to FTP?  Go figure.


If you want to know what God thinks about money,
just look at the people He gives it to.
    -- Old Irish Saying
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