techlists, Mon, Feb 09, 2004 at 11:20:55PM -0600: 
> I am running Sid with KDE, and was wondering if I am logged in and have
> some programs running, is there a way for someone else to log into x on
> the same terminal, without shutting down the programs I have running?
> that way when they are finished, I can re-log in and continue where I
> left with the programs that I originally had still open and running.

With GNOME you can use gdmflexiserver (it's called "New Login" in the
GNOME application menu, iirc).

I don't know what the kde equivalent is.

If you are going to need this all the time you can configure your display
manager (kdm?) to launch a second login window on vt8 by default.


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