Why are you trying to use Debian at all? It's not intended for newbies you want to rant on mailing lists about how it's all too hard for them. If you just want to dip your toe into Linux, try Mandrake or Xandros or Fedora or SuSe or most any other distro. Debian is for people who already now their way around Linux/Unix or are willing to face the steep but rewarding learning curve.
Also, your mail is poorly formatted. It's in HTML (wtf?) and the lines are not wrapped at all. Please get a better mail client and wrap at ~76 columns (RFC 2822 suggests 78, which is a little conservative these days; 72 is a nice value). Thanks. On Wed, Feb 11, 2004 at 03:51:37AM -0500, ~Honorable Dr Lou Who said > What a mess! > > Ok, obviously, if I'm viewing this from Windows and want to install > online to another hard drive and download the updates or what I need > for it to install. > > I go to your start page, go to downloads, and find? Fdisk or install? > No, NO SUCH BASIC ITEM, because it is MISSING!!!! Your expectations here are flawed, why would Debian include fdisk prominently on it's download page? > So I find, "Getting Debain" click onto. Gee's 1/2 way down the page > crammed with junk text, with a link to "Making a CD" ? Gee's!?!! "crammed with junk text"? The only text in the body of that page is explaining the various ways of installing Debian. > The again, HIDDEN somewhere in TEXT "Fetch full CD images" ???????? > How about grab a bone for your BURNER? Dang! > > Who made this, very professional? Think MS has no problem in > competition. So ON FETCH! Page http://www.debian.org/distrib/cd Hm? The http://www.debian.org/distrib/cd page is linked from the text "Download all the necessary files over the Internet, make a CD set yourself and install from that." I can't really see how that could be confusing, but if English is not your native language, have a look at the bottom of the page; it is available in 25 other languages, perhaps you are able to read one of them? > Clicks to http://www.debian.org/CD/http-ftp/ > > Which gives me a Gig ilo and other download separate software, I WILL > NOT INSTALL! To find....???? I don't understand this sentence. > Again 1/2 way down the page.... look at the detailed information > about the installation process. You're complaining that the download page links to the full Installation Manual? > Which I see NO COMPAQ PRESARIO'S, all that other mumble jumble, is > just that, WHERE IS MY PC???? Guess, you have NONE for HOME PC's.... Ahhhh, you're confused because Debian runs other architectures than just Intel/x86? That's fair enough. You want the "Intel x86" flavour, which links to http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/install. > So I guess I'll scroll down ( Geee'ss the page goes on for miles) to Yes, it is long, because so many nice people around the world have kindly mirrored these files. > find ONE USA link in http, WOW! You only found ONE HTTP download source in the US? I count 17: # United States: aurolinux.mit.edu: HTTP # United States: carroll.aset.psu.edu: FTP HTTP # United States: cudlug.cudenver.edu: FTP HTTP # United States: debian-cd.rutgers.edu: FTP HTTP # United States: debian.fifi.org: FTP HTTP # United States: debian.midco.net: FTP HTTP # United States: debian.oregonstate.edu: FTP HTTP # United States: debian.tod.net: FTP HTTP # United States: ftp-mirror.internap.com: FTP HTTP # United States: ftp.keystealth.org: FTP HTTP # United States: ftp.lug.udel.edu: FTP HTTP # United States: ftp.rutgers.edu: FTP HTTP # United States: linux.csua.berkeley.edu: FTP HTTP # United States: mirror.cs.wisc.edu: FTP HTTP # United States: mirror.csit.fsu.edu: FTP HTTP # United States: mirrors.kernel.org: FTP HTTP # United States: mirrors.usc.edu: FTP HTTP # United States: mirrors.xmission.com: FTP HTTP > 50,000 mirror links and sites, and > downloads, ??? How many versions and downloads to you have> ??? 50,000 > links, that would take me 40 years! But let me guess! Each site carries the same files; Debian has so many mirrors to ease the bandwidth burden on both users and mirror operators. > Oregon sounds good, my son goes there. I know to click http cause DO > NOT know how to download from FTP, AND NEITHER DOES THE REST OF THE > KNOWN CP WORLD! (Right there, you ELIMINATED 90% of any MS converts) 90% of windows users don't know how to right-click on a link and save a file? Anyway, you can use whichever protocol you are most comfortable. > http://debian.oregonstate.edu/debian-cdimage/ > > Obviously, after clicking the link there, it has 3 more, all with 3 > more sub links, which you claimed earlier IMAGE file, (The only way I > could have know is you mentioned it was an IMAGE file somewhere on the > opening page! Whew, rocket scientist again, first time windows users > WOULD NEVER PIECE THAT! To be fair, you did go to a Debian page called "Downloading Debian CD images via HTTP/FTP". Clicking on the Oregon link, then "images", then the version of Debian you want, then the architecture you have doesn't seem too arduous. How would you prefer the images to be sorted? All in one directory? > Also my aspirations of installing on DOWNLOADING, is history! YOU > SKIPPED THAT ENTIRE PART EXCEPT FOR THE OPENING PAGE??? Dah !!! We > forgot??? What's the deal??? Where'd you RE-hide it??? The page you visited earlier, http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/install, does indeed assume that the reader is capable of downloading a file unaided. What more help do you need? Please file a wishlist bug (instructions on http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting) on the "install-doc" package if you have constructive suggests to make. > Dang, nevermind, I'll download the IMAGE FILE AGAIN! Why do you have to download it again? > I did this ONCE BEFORE earlier today! When I BURNED a CD, it DID NOT > WORK, "DID NOT WORK"? What does this mean? It didn't boot? It errored out during the install? If you can give us the error message, we can probably help you figure it out. > my Linux friend, who got me started on this DECIPHERING LINUX > made websites, blew me away. > > So he burned CD's off my hard drive attached to his PC, BECAUSE CD > CREATOR 4 HAS NO ISO converter processes, BUT funny his older PC > burner did? Amazing! It's hardly Debian's fault if you're using low-quality CD burning software; ISO-9660 is a recognised international standard. > OK, I will try a download again, A third time? Why? > then place this in my 200 Pentium PC > and watch it say no operating system. Are you sure you configured the PC to boot off the CD? This is a BIOS setting, which some older machines do not support. In those cases, read http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/ch-install-methods.en.html#s-create-floppy which explains how to make boot floppy disks which can boot on most any machine since 386's. > Gee's you guys got to piece this together. I tried the CD disk boot > from CD and it ran great, installing though Excellent. > , what the mess. What do you mean by this? > And the website? Has NO STEP BY STEP FOR FIRST TIME MS WINDOWS > BEGINNERS! That is true. I can't find the "STEP BY STEP FOR FIRST TIME DEBIAN BEGINNERS" page on www.microsoft.com, could you give the URL? > I have 10 gigs of webspace left on my Linux server, and was thinking > of providing MIRROR site for you guys, but dang, I'd be link 50,001 You're free to offer or not, as you see fit. > I'll write back after I download, install the CD and EVERYTHING WORKS! > > YEAH RIGHT! > > We shall see, won't we? You come across as very, very angry. Why are you angry at Debian, or the people on this list? We did nothing to you. If you have constructive suggestions for how to make Debian easier to use, then they would be welcomed with open arms. If you just want to abuse us because Debian didn't match your expectations, then go away, use something that makes you happy. If, on the other hand, you actually want help with installing Debian, then find a friend who's done it before. Or talk to your LUG. Or a local PC user group. Or ask POLITELY on this list for help. Or come to #debian on irc.debian.org. Or hire a consultant (http://www.debian.org/consultants/). Or any of the other methods on the Debian Support page (http://www.debian.org/support) prominently linked from the front page. > Thanks! > ~Honorable Dr Lou Who - > Now boasting 56 current websites! So Do You LouWho??? www.LouWho.com > LouWho search, lists your site to over 1500 web search affiliates! > > > Start the internet over! > > Use website tonight, or web host, or ftp, or Front Page! > Or template design & build yourself in under 20 minutes your own .com website, > 6-26 pages under $125 a year! With... > (DNS) Domain name server, for .COM, NET, ORG, INFO, US, and more > ------- ___ OFF > -----_ `\ <,_ www.ServeYourDomain.com > -----(*) / (*) > _________________24 hours live by tonight!_____________________ > Or just have us build everything from scratch. www.rawg.com (Fill Order Form, > prices for websites vary with size!) > > > SIGNUP FOR YOUR.COM EMAIL!! http://themail.hippiedaze.com > For Your Own Free E-Mail My Name @hippiedaze.com > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > > Finally, my greatest store in the world! www.PrairieJoesEmporium.com > > And for webmasters, programmers, freelancer jobs and posts at > www.ByteMall.com/nukem > ............................................... .sigs should generally be no more than 4 lines of 72 characters, not 27 lines of 126 characters. -- Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Do I look like I want a CC? Words of the day: Jiang Zemin Forte Telex kilderkin global Firefly CDC Comirex
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