in the munging-headers thread, someone posted a link to - which includes this:

> - "Reply-To munging adds additional functionality, it actually increases
>   freedom of choice"
>   *cough* bullshit *cough*
>   For one, it prevents a thread across two lists and the redirection to one
>   list or a third list.

someone else linked to - which

> (You cross-posted your request for help to multiple newsgroups, or
> mailing lists.)
> I was going to help you, until I noticed your cross-post. Now, I'll
> spend that time assisting someone else, who's not being a pain in the
> ass.
> A large and growing number of otherwise helpful people are ignoring
> you in exactly this way. Watch and see. Unlike most, I'm taking the
> trouble (through referring you to this text) to tell you what's going
> on.
> I could advise you to avoid cross-posting because it's rude to the
> on-line community, but saying that just conveys the message that the
> Internet community rewards rudeness. No, I'm suggesting you should
> post to a single forum at a time because you'll get more, better,
> quicker answers -- because you won't be widely boycotted and ignored.
> Yes, it's true that "other people do it". They're getting worse help
> and less help. They just haven't yet figured it out.
> Don't clean up your act to please me. Yes, I'd prefer that you avoid
> acting clueless and rude on the Net, because I care about the Net, but
> (like many others) can and will deal with the immediate problem by
> disregarding your crossposted question.

to me, at least, these seem mutually incompatible. indeed, can anyone
explain why cross-posting is such a bad idea? it's all very well to
describe it as 'clueless and rude', but i've not managed to find a FAQ
that explains why it's a bad idea, other than 'it's against netiquette'.
and if there could conceivably be a good reason for 'a across two lists'
then would there not be a good reason for cross-posting?

(for what it's worth, i'm not trolling, and i have STFWed. i'd just be
interested in seeing some of the reasons for this bit of netiquette

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