Dave's List Addy wrote:
So is Debian not about accommodating the new user? Or is this strictly for
the good old boys?

Good ol' boys. Paradoxaly they won't close down the list to subscribers only because of newbs. Go fig.

BTW, a while back I was right there with ya in regards to reply-to on lists. However two things lately have changed my opinion.

1: RFC2369
2: RCC2822

Years ago when it was just RFC822 reply-to could be used for mailing lists. In spite of what many people 'round here would like to think the verbage is there for just that use. In fact most don't deny it only go on to claim that the RFC is "wrong". Great precident to set, eh? Don't like a part of the RFC, call it wrong and ignore it. Pah.

Anyway, RFC2822 removed the explicit use of mailing lists from reply-to. I don't even think it is still implied but the general concensus is that as of RFC2822 reply-to is for the original sender only and not any intermediate senders.

RFC2369 defines several headers for use by mailing lists to make administration and use of said mailing lists easier. One such header is where to send replies. Others include where to find the archives, how to contact the admin and how to unsubscribe. Personally I think where to reply, how to contact an admin and how to unsubscribe should be requirements in any mailing list and certainly should be turned on in any decently run mailing list. Debian-users is one such decently run mailing list. In the headers of your message:

List-Post: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
List-Help: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
List-Subscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
List-Archive: <http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/>

So with RFC2822 dropping mailing lists as a use of reply-to, RFC2369 defining a header to use for mailing lists and d-u including just that header if you're having problems with your email client, regardless of what OS it is, the problem is with the client. File a bug against the client[1], not bother the list to go against the current RFC.

[1] You'll note I am using Thunderbird. It doesn't yet honor List-Post. There is a bug filed against it. I've voted for that bug to be fixed. So I am practicing what I am preaching. ;)

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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