On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 12:03:52PM +0100, Thomas B. D?derlein said
> Hi
> Can anyone help me to create a softlink to libglide2x.so? I pretty new to
> Debian/linux and are struggling a lot to get the X system to work. I will
> need a kinda detailed instruction on how to do this, what to call the file,
> where I can locate it (if it is hiding somewhere:) and which program to use
> to make/edit the link.
> I've just upgraded to Xfree 4.3.0 and this problem appeared (the X system
> wouldn't load before either though... but this problem I might be able to
> solve myself as long as I can get the basic to work)
> Error message:
> Could not load the shared library file for Glide "libglide2x.so"
> You need to have Glide installed to run the glide driver for Xfree86. Also
> you need to tell Xfree86 where the libglide2x.so file is placed by making a
> softlink in the /usr/X11R6/lib/modules directory that points to the
> libglide2x.so file. (if your libglide2x.so is in the /usr/lib)
> #in -s /usr/lib/libglide2x.s0 /usr/X11R6/lib/modules

Is this a command you tried and failed with or is it something the help
printed out?  This should be all you have to do.

Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Do I look like I want a CC?
Words of the day:     CDC VX plutonium underground munitions India Vince Foster

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