On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 07:13:01PM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> CCing this just in case WB has left the building...
> On Mon, Feb 02, 2004 at 11:32:48AM -0700, W. B. Maguire II wrote:
> > And what about discretization in other areas?  I asked a question about the 
> > Debian install (3.0 r1) not recognizing my HDDs connected to a Rocket-133 
> > PCI-IDE card (a few days ago---titled "New Debian install + Rocket133 = no 
> > HDDs!  (Please help...").
> Adding pleas for help ("Please help" "HELP!!" or similar) on *any*
> high traffic mailing list usually causes everybody else's brain to
> automatically s/$PLEA/I'm a noob without a clue and entitlement
> issues, delete me and move on/ .
> You might have greater success after giving ESR's howto a readthrough.
> http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
> > The end result?  The end result is unfortunate for Debian.  I really *did* 
> > want to try Debian, but with the only response I got to my 
> > hour-long-researching-post being "compile your own kernel", that pretty 
> > much shut this new-comer down!
> If I had seen it, I would have asked if you had read the Installation
> Manual (http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/install), or
> suggest you try Knoppix.
> > In the few days that I have been on this list, I can 
> > say that I have seen many, many requests for help go unanswered.
> It's not our fault that people still haven't gotten the hang of
> effectively communicating in written form almost 40 years after the
> creation of email, and several millennia after the advent of written
> language.  We exist because we don't want to cater to the Great Unwashed.
> > Maybe I'll be able to give Debian a try at some point in the future, but at 
> > this point, it feels almost unsupported to me.  I'm not saying that there's 
> > no help here, I'm just saying that the volume is *crushing*, and that it 
> > seems that many of the requests for help are being lost in the volume!
> Is your mail reader threaded?  You'd notice that the vast majority of
> messages are parts of existing threads.  Most threads get response.
> If you don't get a response, you're doing something that's causing
> people to avoid that thread (bad subject, not enough info, looks even
> remotely like another AOL idiot thinking we care about their "printer
> icon", etc).
> > It sounds to me that you imply that anyone who doesn't have a good mail 
> > client just shouldn't bother with this list.
> Well, you're on the right track.  Anybody who doesn't have a good mail
> client shouldn't bitch that they get burned by volume.  Especially on
> this list.  Just popping open tin real quick and searching my news
> server, I see these newsgroups *all* mirror this list (post by sending
> directly to the list):
> apana.lists.os.linux.debian.user
> jlug.ml.debian.users
> linux.debian.user
> I also know of (but don't seem to carry)...gmane.debian.user
> There's also a digest version.
> Anybody who has a bad mail client has no business using email.  8:o)
> > I, myself, haven't had the time to migrate to Mutt on my RH9 Linux
> > box, so I'm temporarily putting-up with Eudora on Win98 (even though
> > I *hate* it and Windows!).

What about kmail or evolution (probably mozilla variations but I don't
know them)? Very similar to eudora in feel, easy to set up (not as
strong as mutt IMHO though). They can thread, filter, separate into
mailboxes using rules/origin etc. I think they can even use spamassassin
and friends.
This list becomes much more menagable with threading.

> Fastest, easiest way to solve that problem:  Delete windows now and
> don't go back.  You don't learn to swim by standing in the wading
> pool, after all.  Most guys I know, myself included, learned to swim
> by being pushed off the pier at a Scout camp in my early teen years.
> I'm a pretty strong swimmer now.
> It worked again for me in 1997 when I switched to Debian.  You think
> Debian's a bit off-setting to newbies now, you should go back five
> years.  Before apt!
> > Fine, maybe you and your *good* e-mail client can handle the volume
> > on this list, but what about me and my *Windoze-average/crappy*
> > e-mail client?  
> You make it sound like we should be spending our time catering to the
> weakest link (bad software) instead of working towards the goal of
> getting the people who are ready for it over to a better alternative.
> >   _________ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ________ |**===
> >  /                                                   |**===
> > (  W. B. Maguire II, Ph.D.    Tel: 303.772.1615      |=====
> > |  Chief Executive Manager    FAX: 303.651.6389    9||
> > |  Analytic Investments LLC           _                   |
> > |  700 Ken Pratt Blvd STE204 PMB166  ( ) The ASCII ribbon |
> > (  Longmont  CO  80501-6455           X  campaign against )
> >  \__________________________________ / \ _ HTML e-mail __/
> As bad as HTML email is, arguably, warlording is worse.  There's a
> chance HTML email has content, massive sigblocks are content-free.
> http://ursine.ca/jargon/html/W/warlording.html
> -- 
>  .''`.     Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> : :'  :    
> `. `'`     proud Debian admin and user
>   `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fix a system
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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