On Tuesday 03 February 2004 22:58, j smith wrote:
> i have Debian 3.0 and compile my ethernet card driver.
> with default kernel, the driver is OK, but with my
> customized kernel, it has problem. after using "insmod
> tulip", it complain:
> /lib/modules/2.4.18/kernel/drivers/net/tulip.o:
> unresolved symbol del_timer_sync
> /lib/modules/2.4.18/kernel/drivers/net/tulip.o:
> Hint: You are trying to load a module without a GPL
> compatible license
>       and it has unresolved symbols.  Contact the
> module supplier for
>       assistance, only they can help you.
> Using /lib/modules/2.4.18/kernel/drivers/net/tulip.o
> any suggestion? attached is .config
I'm no expert, but I recall seeing unresolved symbol errors when I tried to 
insert a module without its dependancies.  Have you tried using modprobe 
instead of insmod?

I checked my modules.dep, and for kernel 2.4.21-xfs, tulip.o doesn't have 
any dependancies, so this may not be your problem.  On the other hand, mine 
is located in /lib/modules/2.4.21-xfs/kernel/drivers/net/tulip/tulip.o, so 
someting is different.

A short glance through your config shows that you did not compile ISA 
networking.  I trust this isn't an ISA card?

Just below that, I see that config_tulip is not set or modularized.  I would 
try setting that option, as it's the only option with "tulip" in the name.  
Makes me wonder where you got the driver module?

Let us know if any of this helps.

If any expert wants to chime in, I noticed that del_timer_sync is #defined 
in include/linux/timer.h.  I'm not that familiar with C or the kernel, so 
I'm not sure where that might end up.


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